Hunter TV Show (1984-1991)
“Hunter” TV Show (1984-1991)
“Hunter” is an American police drama television series that originally aired on NBC from 1984 to 1991. Created by Frank Lupo, who is well-known for his work on popular shows like “The A-Team” and “Riptide,” “Hunter” is recognized for its blend of hard-hitting action and occasional humor. The series was notable for its portrayal of the gritty realities of police work combined with the dramatic flair typical of 1980s television.
Plot and Characters
The series centers around Detective Sergeant Rick Hunter, played by Fred Dryer, a tough, rule-breaking homicide detective known for his unorthodox methods in solving crimes. His partner, Detective Sergeant Dee Dee McCall, played by Stepfanie Kramer, complements him with her strong and intelligent demeanor, creating a dynamic and effective partnership. Together, they tackle various murder cases, often dealing with higher levels of corruption and violence than typical police procedural dramas of the time.
Themes and Style
“Hunter” is often remembered for its iconic catchphrase, “Works for me,” which became a trademark of Hunter’s character throughout the series. This catchphrase encapsulated the show’s blend of tough action sequences and a laid-back attitude towards bureaucracy and standard police procedure. The series also featured intense action scenes, which were quite bold for television during the 1980s.
Production and Legacy
Produced by Stephen J. Cannell Productions, “Hunter” ran for seven seasons, totaling 153 episodes. It established itself as a solid performer on NBC’s lineup during its run. The show was known for its cinematic style, significantly influenced by the police dramas and action movies of the 1970s and 1980s, notably those starring Clint Eastwood and other action stars of the era.
Following its original run, “Hunter” spawned several television movies and a brief revival series in 2003, which attempted to update the characters and settings for a new generation while retaining the original’s core appeal.
“Hunter” remains a quintessential example of 1980s television, with its mix of action, drama, and characteristic humor. It played a significant role in defining the cop genre for American TV, influencing many subsequent series in terms of both style and tone. The legacy of “Hunter” continues to be appreciated by fans of classic TV police dramas, maintaining a fond memory in the landscape of American television history.
The Green Hornet TV SHOW – 1966-1967